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You can email us for any general or press enquiries using the links below or to contact a specific department, please fill out the 'Who do you wish to contact?' form below and your request will go through to the correct department. Alternatively, you can call our main office on +44 (0) 1446 799000
General enquiries: enquiries@uwcatlantic.org
Press enquiries: communications@uwcatlantic.org
Alumni Campus visits: please see https://www.uwcatlantic.org/alumni/returning-to-campus
Finding Us
St Donat’s is a small village located just outside Llantwit Major in the Vale of Glamorgan which is the most southerly point of Wales. The Vale is one of the most affluent areas in South Wales and we are lucky to be blessed with beautiful towns, villages, countryside and the coast.
- Leave the M4 at Junction 37 and follow the signs to the A48
- In Bridgend turn off the A48 to the right and onto the B4265
- Pass through Ewenny, St Brides Major and Wick
- Two miles from Wick the College is sign-posted to the right at a staggered junction
- Follow the narrow farm road
- At the next T-junction, turn left and enter through the second set of gates on your right to St Donat’s Castle and the campus.
- Follow the driveway down to the bottom and turn right to park in the Visitor’s Car Park.
- Leave the M4 at Junction 33 (Cardiff West and Airport) and at the first major exit
- Take the A48 towards Bridgend
- From near Cowbridge, the College is sign-posted;
- At Pentre Meyrick, turn left and follow the road to Llantwit Major;
- Just before Llantwit Major, the route is sign-posted to the right at a traffic circle;
- Continue on the B4265 for approximately one mile;
- Turn left at the staggered junction (sign-posted) and follow the narrow farm road;
- At the next T-junction, turn left and enter through the second set of gates on your right to St Donat’s Castle and the campus (signposted by brown tourist signage). Follow the driveway down to the bottom and turn right to park in the Visitor’s Car Park.
In order to travel to UWC Atlantic by rail you would need to arrive at either Bridgend or Llantwit Major train stations and from there take a taxi to the College (c. 30 minutes from Bridgend or c. 5 minutes from Llantwit Major).
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