Global challenges need diverse perspectives. We're committed to ensuring 60% of our students receive full scholarships by 2032. Help us sustain international diversity and empower tomorrow's leaders.
FUND SCHOLARSHIPSOur 10-year strategy is bold and visionary—we are once again pioneering, introducing an innovative curriculum and a transformative way of learning.
Our vision to Transform Education for Global Impact is clear. To shape our students into the bridge-builders, leaders, and thinkers of tomorrow, we must come together as a community. This is not work we can do alone - it’s an intergenerational effort that requires collective commitment.
Achieving this transformation requires action now. With your support for our key funding priorities, we can turn this vision into reality.
Global challenges need diverse perspectives. We're committed to ensuring 60% of our students receive full scholarships by 2032. Help us sustain international diversity and empower tomorrow's leaders.
FUND SCHOLARSHIPSUWC Atlantic is again leading the way and pioneering the Systems Transformation Pathway, a new International Baccalaureate curriculum redefining education for a rapidly changing world.
FUND THE PIONEERSOur historic castle on the Welsh coast offers a unique setting for immersive and transformative learning. Help us to restore and renew our heritage and campus to shape the future of eductaion.
RENEW THE CASTLE AND CAMPUSSeal your commitment to UWC Atlantic with a lasting gift. Legacy gifts and donations to the UWC Endowment Fund provide scholarships every year, forever.