Tax Efficient Giving
UWC Atlantic has a truly global reach, and as such, if you would prefer to give tax efficiently, we can signpost you to a number of ways for you to do this, wherever you are in the world.
Gift Aid: If you are a UK Taxpayer, increase your donation by 25p for every £1 donated at no extra costs. Please complete and return the Gift Aid Form. Alternatively, you can complete an online Gift Aid Form.
Payroll Giving: Payroll giving allows you to donate regularly to UWC Atlantic directly from your salary before tax is deducted. Contact your employer’s Human Resources team to set this up. Some employers will match this gift too!
Donate to UWC Atlantic tax efficiently via the British Schools & Universities Foundation (BSUF), a charitable organisation approved by the US Internal Revenue Service under code Section 5011(c)(3).
Online: Make an online gift via BSUF's donation page. Please make sure you enter UWC Atlantic in the Approved Institution box so they know the donation is for us. BSUF will transfer the funds to us on a quarterly basis. There is a 3% administration charge
Cheque: Complete this form and send a cheque (payable to British Schools and Universities Foundation, Inc.) to 641 Lexington Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10022-4503. There is no charge for giving via cheque.
Wire Transfer: For larger gifts there is the option to do a bank transfer, contact donations@uwcatlantic.org for further information.
Donating stocks, securities or appreciated assets: Contact donations@uwcatlantic.org and we will share this information with you.
There are two ways you can donate tax efficiently in Canada: Via Chapel & York Canada Foundation or via the Canadian Foundation. Details on both routes can be found below:
We have partnered with Chapel & York Canada Foundation, who accept donations for our benefit, taking a small administration fee. They will send you a tax receipt using the information you have provided, notify us of the payment and transfer funds to us on a quarterly basis. There are various ways to make a payment:
Online: Make an online gift using the donation form. Chapel & York will transfer the funds to us on a quarterly basis.
Wire Transfer & EFT: Please complete this online form stating United World College of the Atlantic Limited. Once you have submitted this, you will receive their banking information.
Check/ Cheque: Please download this offline form, stating United World College of the Atlantic Limited. Return with your check/cheque to Chapel & York Canada Foundation (the address is included on the form).
Stocks, Securities or Gifts of Property: If you wish to make a donation in the form of Stocks, Securities and Mutual Funds you can email info@chapel-yorkcanada.org to discuss arrangements.
The Canadian Foundation was set up by two UWC Atlantic alumni to raise funds to support a Canadian student to attend UWC Atlantic. It is a separate organisation to UWC Atlantic and the funds will be transferred to UWC Atlantic when the Canadian Foundation has raised enough money to fund a full scholarship to the college.
Online: Click on the link below and you will then be able to make a single or regular gift via PayPal. There is a 3% administration charge.
Pre-authorised Debit: Make a regular monthly donation by pre-authorized debit from your bank account. Canadian Foundation Pre-Authorised Debit Form
Cheque: Send a cheque or money order (payable to Canadian Foundation for the United World College of the Atlantic) and send to Canadian Foundation for the United World College of the Atlantic, P.O. Box 737, 31 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, ON M5C 2J8, CANADA
Charitable Giving Platforms: United Way or CanadaHelps will issue you a Canadian charitable tax receipt and forward the donated funds onto the Canadian Foundation. An administrative fee of up to 4% is deducted by these platforms. Email donate@canadianfoundationac.org to let us know if you do this.
Canadian charitable tax receipts are issued from the Canadian Foundation on an annual basis in February for donations made in the previous financial year.
If you would like to make a donation tax efficiently via Belgium, we have partnered with the King Baudouin Foundation who will be able to support with this. Please contact donations@uwcatlantic.org if you would like to do this and we can put you in touch with the contact we have at King Baudouin Foundation.
You can make a donation via Transnational Giving Europe to the countries listed below. Click on the links and it will give you instructions on how to make a wire payment. Please can you also email donations@uwcatlantic.org so that we can follow up with these organisations to ensure your gift arrives safely:
- Italy : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with Fondo Filantropico Italiano who will take this donation on our behalf. Receipt will be given four weeks after donation.
- Bulgaria : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (BCause Foundation) who will take this donation on our behalf. Receipt will be given upon request.
- Slovakia :
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (Carpathian Foundation, Slovakia) who will take this donation on our behalf. Receipt will be given four weeks after donation.
- Spain : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (Fundacion Empresa Y Sociedad) who will take this donation on our behalf.
- Greece : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (HIGGS) who will take this donation on our behalf.
- Poland : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (The Academy for the Development of Philanthropy) who will take this donation on our behalf.
- Hungary : Online donation
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (Caparthian Foundation, Hungary) who will take this donation on our behalf.
- Estonia :
- Wire Transfer: Email donations@uwcatlantic.org who will put you in touch with a Transnational Giving Europe partner (Open Estonia Foundation) who will take this donation on our behalf. Please can you also email donations@uwcatlantic.org so that we can follow up with these organisations to ensure your gift arrives safely:
You can make a tax efficient donation to UWC Atlantic in the following countries via a UWC National Committee:
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Hong Kong
Contact donations@uwcatlantic.org and we an put you in touch with the relevant person.
Donate to UWC Atlantic tax efficiently via Stichting Chapel & York Foundation EU.
We have partnered with Stichting Chapel & York Foundation EU, who accept donations for our benefit, taking a small administration fee. They will notify us of the payment and transfer funds to us on a quarterly basis. There are various ways to make a payment:
Make an online gift using this donation form. Select United World College of the Atlantic Ltd (UWC Atlantic) from the Chosen Chapel & York EU Foundation Member dropdown list. Chapel & York will transfer the funds to us on a quarterly basis.
Wire Transfer & EFT
Please complete this online form stating United World College of the Atlantic Limited. Once you have submitted this, you will receive their banking information.
Stocks, Shares or Gifts of Property
If you wish to make a donation in the form of Stocks, Shares or Gifts of Property you can email info@chapel-yorknetherlands.org to discuss arrangements.
Fundraising Standards
We are committed to legal, open, honest and respectful fundraising. UWC Atlantic is a registered charity and we are also registered with The Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.