Education Hub
We want to create an education hub, a 21st-century academic space for learning.
FUND THE FUTUREThe campus at St Donat’s has remained largely unchanged since it opened in 1962. We have an ambitious 10 year strategy, and to deliver it effectively, we need to reimagine our academic spaces, protect the heritage of our castle and renovate our living spaces.
We have four key priorities to help us achieve this.
We want to create an education hub, a 21st-century academic space for learning.
FUND THE FUTUREOur boarding houses have remained largely unchanged since they were built. This year we want to refurbish Sunley house.
FUND A HOUSEWe want to renovate and protect the heritage of our 12th Century St Donat’s Castle, our grounds, our greenhouses and more.
FUTUREPROOF OUR CASTLE AND CAMPUSWe want to build an environmentally sustainable learning environment that achieves net zero carbon by 2040